"If my body is my home, who is my neighbour?"
Points of exploration
- Dancing (Using my own body, exploring my fears, boundaries, etc.)
- Where does the body end, where does the mind begin
- Why I don't feel at home in my body or mind, treating them as 2 separate things, but who is I then? is there a third party?
- Interacting with light, using the body to reflect light. Themes like connectivity, community come in to play.
Tugging, pulling, stuck, blockage, echo chamber
The mind and body’s interconnectedness.
The connection and disconnection of two 'identities'.
Maybe it's about healing wounds caused by mind, stored in the body. Something in this lane.
Creating emotional release.
Emotion in the body.
Emotional pain stored in the body
What is my issue?
Issue in my throat. Weak link, fast ill.
& Issues with self-expression on an emotional level.
I feel my trauma is stored in my throat.
What do I want to talk about?
Unprocessed emotions that express
themselves as blockages in the body.
Unblocking emotions from the body.
- sharing one space
- helping or blocking each other?
- both speak their own language
''Though some may refer to trauma being “stored” or “trapped” in the body, that isn’t necessarily a scientific way to put it.
However, the symptoms of traumatic stress can manifest physically.
This may be because the brain associates this area with a particular memory — often on a subconscious level.''
Alternatively, some believe that trauma and difficult emotions can, in fact, become literally stuck energy in the body, though this isn’t supported by scientific evidence.
According to Bradley Nelson, DC, trapped emotional vibrations cause surrounding tissues to vibrate at the same frequency, known as resonance.
- Emotional vibration in relation to vibration of language (speaking up for your emotion) and the vibration to music and moving the body.
- dancing around your words (not sharing your truth)
Authentieke expressie is niet iets dat gemakkelijk komt.
Er is een delicate dans tussen zeggen wat je bedoelt en tactvol of diplomatiek blijven. Vaak is het makkelijker om te zeggen wat de ander wil horen in plaats van je waarheid te spreken. Angst om niet geaccepteerd te worden of een oordeel van de ander kan
uw waarheidsgetrouwe mondelinge uitdrukking in de weg staan.
Interesting words linked to body and communication/expression:
- Exploring self-expression
- Unblocking stuck energy from the body
- 'Dancing around the issue' (exploring connections of vibrations)
- Bilingual bodies (the communication of mind and body)
Energy as a movement, a flow,
an exchange. Showing it's stored.
Exchange to people, to space.
Playing with the unseen.
Release through breating.
Rhythm sound -> vibration -> energy release -> dancing
what do we define as mind?
thoughts, feelings, intuition
entirely different from person to person, some mapping is similar
what do we define as body?
the physical, touchable, ‘factual’ matter
entirely different from person to person, most mapping is similar
the connection is something intangible, hence why people have multiple explanation: religion, science, spirituality
Notes and socratic discussion
water reflections
water is alweays moving, reflecting lights/thoughts
smoke, incense
when you put a cup it blocks the oxygen
earth moving
magma layers
earth is also responding to trauma
how are humans to the earth
are we the parasites
The individual as a platitude of aspects/
"do i contradict myself? very well then I contradict myself, I contain multitudes." - walt whitman
- human as onion
- we exist out of everything that came before, all our experiences, all our thoughts and feelings,
- layers of time and experience
Part 2
shared map
Part 3
A/ Analyse your map and figure out your research lines for your counter map. Have a look at the resources at the bottom of this file and make notes.
B/ Create a moment of togetherness and watch this short film from Carol Nguyen, No crying at the dinner table: https://vimeo.com/482032869
Discuss what you’ve seen. Consider the different layers of this work: the camera perspective, the editing, the method, the position of the narrator, the effect on the audience.
Come to an agreement: can you use for this assignment any of the methods/ ideas from your conversation? Add your proposal for experimentation to your work-in-progress platform.
C/ Read / listen Uzma Rizvi’s article Decolonization as care. Make notes.
Meet again and share your notes: what are your impressions? is there something connected with your theme? What can you add to your idea for experimenting? Make a note in your work-in-progress platform.
D/ After these conversations, start making something, you don’t need to have a clear idea of what your end project is going to be, you are supposed to do research while experimenting, while making. For instance: record your conversations and transcribe the most interesting parts into a new form.
- how do we want to express (dance/language)
- a lot of our research is our conversations /record our coversation
- activate audio with movement
- vibrations
Multidisciplinary map//installation
The beautifull chaos of just being
B proposal for experimentation
- shooting imagery
- recording sounds
- poetry
- installation interactive
things coming from different directions, forming one whole...
- exploring the connecections of vibrations - sound/light/body/interaction
how do we react to eachother -- to explore the theme of 'us'
maybe come together in a nice space to film the interaction of sound and movement
- sharing vulnerable stories
- interactive (carlota)
- visual (lulu)
- movement (julius)
- sound expression (charli)
- ... (zoe)
Interactive installation with sound, movement, visual, touch
interactive installation
Moving and touching the body, creating sound
(showing sound of stored trauma?)
installation . performance art.
THOUGHTS 18/05/21
- de druk op mijn keel
wat is mijn frequentie?
wat kan de druk verhelpen?
het is niet alleen maar dat ik moeite heb met mijn vocabulair, maar het delen van emoties. negatieve emoties. Het uiten van een onderdeel van mijn persoonlijkheid/ zijn in spraak en gehoord of gezien worden.
de gespannenheid die komt kijken bij het voor mezelf houden en juist delen van negatieve emoties. Het niet opkomen voor mijn eigen grenzen en behoeftes.
De blinde vlek.
ik denk dat ik mezelf laat huilen, maar ik denk dat ik dat niet wil.
het laat mij alleen maar zien dat het belangrijk is, maar ben de beladenheid zat.
boos worden, bokade, grenzen,
waar ben ik comfortabel mee?
mijn eigen grenzen op te zoeken en te bewaken.
voor wie maak ik dit?
Voor mijzelf, het begrijpen en kunnen plaatsen van oorzaak/gevolg.
Voor mijzelf, het vinden van manieren om te verwerken/los te laten.
Voor de ander, om ...?
wat is mijn probleem?
het niet durven zeggen wat ik voel en denk. space mogen claimen
het binnen houden van de stem die naar buiten wilt/hoort.
het (onbewust) wegcijferen van mijn eigen zijn/belangen.
- negatieve emoties delen
- het delen van mijn eigen gevoel
- het nemen van ruimte
wat wil ik zeggen? Waar wil ik over spreken?
Wat ik wil onderzoeken is de blokade die in mijn keel zit. Wat voel ik wanneer?
Het opkomen voor mijn eigen stem, het durven nemen van ruimte in geluid.
wat is voor mij belangrijk nu?
A personal poem that describes my feeling of not being heard and not being able to set boundaries in a friendship.
A personal poem that touches upon not being able to share personal issues and the feeling of pain building up, of keeping the hard side of life all to yourself.
A personal poem that shares thought about the weight of unprocessed moments.
writing and poetry help me get my thought into motion but it's still much for myself by which I don't let my voice be heard. By which I don't share my perception, emotion and personal being.
een staar of alleen maar tegen mezelf zeggen 'ugh ugh ugh'' en in mijn hoofd alllleeee verhalen en vragen en troebel maar er komt niks verwelijk uit. het duurt heel lang en zinnen maken vind ik dan moeilijk, omdat ik banf ben dat ik iets verkeerds zeg. maar ik moet iets zeggen.
stress omhoog.
I went to a spoken word event at the academy and I have taken it upon myself to share my own personal texts to the public.
what did I feel in my body?
het delen van negatieve ervaringen zonder mij bezwaard of niet genoeg te voelen. kanten van mijzelf durven te laten zien die ik ontken.
het delen van bepaalde gedachtes en gevoelens en dat het zich in mijn lichaam vast gaat zitten in mijn keel
lichamelijk en geestelijk ruimte maken. Op het moment zelf kunnen delen
wat kan helpen;
wanneer praten makkelijker word
wanneer woorden makkelijker worden
dansen / nonverbale uitingen
praten met mensen
visualizing and exploring the vibrations of my own self and the vibrations of ways of releasing (stuck) energy apart from verbal expression that help me.
language of energies/vibrations.
Choas in search for words but not able to touch upon anything.
In the bubble.
Squeeze your throat.
sculpting the blockage
physically feeling that it's hard to communicate words
What we did that day on the beach,
This is what I observed:
We listened to them and opened ourselves up to us
We moved as one and were led by all
My focus shifted from me an my discomfort to all of us as one
We did not notice the people around us
We did not hear the wind blowing around us
We were to busy feeling how the others moved
How they felt and how the light hit them/us all differently
Now my skis is tight and red,
It had to make more space, because I grew
I became us
My muscles are sore, from carrying the new weight,
they have grown from the weight of us
my belly growls because we need more
we are fed by sharing
to share food is to share yourself
our bellies are one and therefore we share
my eyes are strained because they looked wider than ever before,
the light was bright and
the sand and wind scoured our shapes into being
the pressure of sun and salt formed us
moving water reflects in every direction
as do we
- the body keeps the score
connection between body n trauma
- Foucault what is the I, analyses as an onion
we are the combining of al the layers
the we of us
trauma is part of you, part of your id
learn to deal with it
- fannon, the wretched of the earth
end the of the book
- write collectively!
Image and trauma is linked
emdr therapy, get image to fron of consciousness
= Miguel
- don't want to wear garment
the garment is not necessarily productive
literally wear other peoples trauma
- very intense experience
so maybe alone
all kind of disclaimers
one of us could wear it
wear this story inside out
maybe back to the carpet
sensors in half a circle narrative to the middle
is there collective aspect to healing?
use poetry, reading/maybe perform
it is a way of exposing without making audience uncomfortable
shouldn't claim anything, just share our archive
maybe combine
new show milly art institute
Think about how the narrative unfolds...
= Golnar
maybe the goals is to show that we can take up space.
Feedback 24/05/21
theory assignment-
What we did that day on the beach,
This is what I observed:
We listened to them and opened ourselves up to us
We moved as one and were led by all
My focus shifted from me an my discomfort to all of us as one
We did not notice the people around us
We did not hear the wind blowing around us
We were to busy feeling how the others moved
How they felt and how the light hit them/us all differently
Now my skis is tight and red,
It had to make more space, because I grew
I became us
My muscles are sore, from carrying the new weight,
they have grown from the weight of us
my belly growls because we need more
we are fed by sharing
to share food is to share yourself
our bellies are one and therefore we share
my eyes are strained because they looked wider than ever before,
the light was bright and
the sand and wind scoured our shapes into being
the pressure of sun and salt formed us
moving water reflects in every direction
as do we